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Author ron_adam
Recipients benjamin.peterson, eric.snow, jcea, meador.inge, ncoghlan, ron_adam, terry.reedy
Date 2011-12-24.06:40:58
SpamBayes Score 1.11857e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Updated patch with suggested changes.

It also has a cleaned up fast_block_end section.

Concerning speed. What happens is (as Tim and Raymond have pointed out) that we can make some things a little faster, in exchange for other things being a little slower.  You can play around with the order of the why cases in the fast_block_end section and see that effect.

By using a switch instead of if-else's, that should result in more consistent balance between the block exit cases.  The order I currently have gives a little more priority for exceptions and that seems to help a tiny bit with the ccbench scores.  I think that is a better bench mark than the small micro tests like pybench does.  The problem with pybench is, it doesn't test deeper nesting where these particular changes will have a greater effect.
Date User Action Args
2011-12-24 06:41:04ron_adamsetrecipients: + ron_adam, terry.reedy, jcea, ncoghlan, benjamin.peterson, meador.inge, eric.snow
2011-12-24 06:41:02ron_adamsetmessageid: <>
2011-12-24 06:41:02ron_adamlinkissue13607 messages
2011-12-24 06:41:01ron_adamcreate