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Author techtonik
Recipients docs@python, techtonik
Date 2011-10-20.07:40:20
SpamBayes Score 4.902234e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>

While writing settrace function you need to know what kind of data is expected and how to get more information about it. Current documentation for sys.settrace doesn't give too much answers. To improve that situation at least with 'call' event:

 1. Link 'frame' to the middle of table on inspect module page [1]
 2. List all possible 'code blocks' for 'call' event (I know there is module in addition to function)
 3. Provide example how to extract popular data for corresponding 'code block' (name for functions, name for modules, name for classes/methods, relative file path, line no, how to detect labmbda function) in a safe manner (inspect page contains some FUD about memory usage)

Date User Action Args
2011-10-20 07:40:21techtoniksetrecipients: + techtonik, docs@python
2011-10-20 07:40:21techtoniksetmessageid: <>
2011-10-20 07:40:20techtoniklinkissue13231 messages
2011-10-20 07:40:20techtonikcreate