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Author vterron
Recipients Cameron.Hayne, ezio.melotti, vterron
Date 2011-10-20.01:09:42
SpamBayes Score 2.7330716e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
FWIU, only the name of the method, getAnswer, would be a HTML link in the "self.getAnswer()" line that pydoc should generate, while strong (highlighted) text would be used for instance attributes.

I have written a patch for that, by checking for "self." matches (and differentiating between methods and instance attributes) *before* trying to match functions or class instantiations.

It seems to work, but I will test it thoroughly tomorrow.
Date User Action Args
2011-10-20 01:09:43vterronsetrecipients: + vterron, ezio.melotti, Cameron.Hayne
2011-10-20 01:09:43vterronsetmessageid: <>
2011-10-20 01:09:43vterronlinkissue13223 messages
2011-10-20 01:09:42vterroncreate