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Author pitrou
Recipients ezio.melotti, flox, pitrou, rhettinger, thinred, vstinner
Date 2011-10-19.16:05:23
SpamBayes Score 0.0006742862
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Agreed that a strict parameter would be a good idea to implement this.
Since it's technically a new feature (and not that important), I think only 3.3 should receive it.
Date User Action Args
2011-10-19 16:05:24pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, rhettinger, vstinner, ezio.melotti, flox, thinred
2011-10-19 16:05:24pitrousetmessageid: <>
2011-10-19 16:05:23pitroulinkissue13212 messages
2011-10-19 16:05:23pitroucreate