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Author vstinner
Recipients alexis, benjamin.peterson, eric.araujo, georg.brandl, higery, jkloth, nadeem.vawda, paul.moore, python-dev, rpetrov, vstinner
Date 2011-09-14.20:55:37
SpamBayes Score 0.0019460057
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
test_packaging is still failing on Windows, example:

ERROR: test_uses (packaging.tests.test_database.TestDistribution)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\cygwin\home\db3l\buildarea\3.x.bolen-windows\build\lib\packaging\tests\", line 148, in setUp
    os.path.join(distinfo_dir, file)))
  File "D:\cygwin\home\db3l\buildarea\3.x.bolen-windows\build\lib\packaging\tests\", line 36, in record_pieces
    path = relpath(file, sys.prefix)
  File "D:\cygwin\home\db3l\buildarea\3.x.bolen-windows\build\lib\", line 622, in relpath
    raise ValueError(error)
ValueError: path is on mount 'c:', start on mount 'D:'
Date User Action Args
2011-09-14 20:55:38vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, georg.brandl, paul.moore, nadeem.vawda, benjamin.peterson, jkloth, eric.araujo, rpetrov, alexis, python-dev, higery
2011-09-14 20:55:38vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2011-09-14 20:55:37vstinnerlinkissue12678 messages
2011-09-14 20:55:37vstinnercreate