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Author mgorny
Recipients Arfrever, a.badger, eric.araujo, hagen, ikelos, lemburg, mgorny, tarek, vstinner
Date 2011-08-02.15:28:53
SpamBayes Score 0.095478535
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Ping. What's the progress on this? Will this ever be fixed?
Date User Action Args
2011-08-02 15:28:54mgornysetrecipients: + mgorny, lemburg, vstinner, tarek, eric.araujo, hagen, a.badger, Arfrever, ikelos
2011-08-02 15:28:54mgornysetmessageid: <>
2011-08-02 15:28:53mgornylinkissue9561 messages
2011-08-02 15:28:53mgornycreate