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Author pbumbulis
Recipients Or.Wilder, pbumbulis, thomas.holmes
Date 2011-07-26.13:24:31
SpamBayes Score 7.384032e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
proxy_bypass_registry in does not handle the ProxyOverride registry value properly:  it treats an empty override as *, i.e. bypass the proxy for all hosts.  This behavior does not match other programs (e.g. Chrome) and can be easily obtained by specify * for the override.  One fix would be to ignore empty tests, for example:

    for test in proxyOverride:
        if test:
            if test == '<local>':
    return 0

Perhaps whitespace should be stripped as well.

The problem arises because fiddler2 leaves a trailing ; on the ProxyOverride string.

One possible workaround is to set
    urllib.proxy_bypass = lambda h: 0
to disable bypass checking.  Another alternative would be to specify the proxy settings in the http_proxy environment variable (proxy_bypass_registry is not called in this case).
Date User Action Args
2011-07-26 13:24:32pbumbulissetrecipients: + pbumbulis, thomas.holmes, Or.Wilder
2011-07-26 13:24:32pbumbulissetmessageid: <>
2011-07-26 13:24:31pbumbulislinkissue12480 messages
2011-07-26 13:24:31pbumbuliscreate