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Author michael.mulich
Recipients alexis, eric.araujo, michael.mulich, tarek
Date 2011-06-09.22:57:43
SpamBayes Score 7.339662e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
A package's metadata (dist-info) should be available to it while running the test command (pysetup run test)?

The use case:

I've written a test for a function that is supposed to find the default configuration or one provided in a users local area (or {userbase} as sysconfig puts it). As part of the test, I'm ensuring that the forcibly found default config is loaded correctly. The function that finds the configuration uses sysconfig paths (sysconfig.get_paths) which rely on the packaging database (PEP 376 API now in packaging.database).

To find the default config, or resource in packaging terms, I'm using the packaging.database.get_file_path, which requires the distribution metadata (dist-info) be available within the Python path, because it must lookup the RESOURCES file.

I've started work, in my local clone. We lack a unittest for this case. I'll be writing it some time within the next few days.

I'd like to know where this RESOURCES file came from? I don't recall, nor see mention of it in PEP 376. I would also have expected to find something in packaging.command.install_distinfo command related to this file. The install_distinfo command is lacking this logic. I'll add it after the first half of this case working.
Date User Action Args
2011-06-09 22:57:43michael.mulichsetrecipients: + michael.mulich, tarek, eric.araujo, alexis
2011-06-09 22:57:43michael.mulichsetmessageid: <>
2011-06-09 22:57:43michael.mulichlinkissue12302 messages
2011-06-09 22:57:43michael.mulichcreate