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Author belopolsky
Recipients Arfrever, belopolsky, jcea, khenriksson, lars.gustaebel, loewis, mark.dickinson, nadeem.vawda, r.david.murray, rosslagerwall
Date 2011-06-03.22:37:08
SpamBayes Score 9.8431485e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Martin v. Löwis <> wrote:
>> I support this idea in theory, but as long as decimal is implemented
>> in Python, os module should probably expose a low level (tuple-based?)
>> interface and a higher level module would provide Decimal-based
>> high-precision time.
> Can you explain why you think so? I fail to see the connection.

One reason is the desire to avoid loading Python module from a
C-module.  I understand that this ship has already left the port with
larger and larger portions of stdlib being implemented in Python, but
doing that in a basic module such as os (or rather posix) is likely to
cause more problems than what we have in other similar situation.  For
example, strptime is implemented in a Python module loaded by time and
datetime implemented in C.  This works, but at a cost of extreme
trickery in the test suit and similar problems encountered by
sophisticated applications.  As far as I remember, some multi-threding
issues have never been resolved.
Date User Action Args
2011-06-03 22:37:09belopolskysetrecipients: + belopolsky, loewis, jcea, mark.dickinson, lars.gustaebel, nadeem.vawda, Arfrever, r.david.murray, rosslagerwall, khenriksson
2011-06-03 22:37:09belopolskylinkissue11457 messages
2011-06-03 22:37:08belopolskycreate