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Author nirai
Recipients bobbyi, gregory.p.smith, neologix, nirai, pitrou, sdaoden, vstinner
Date 2011-05-16.18:57:29
SpamBayes Score 1.310968e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Steffen, can you explain in layman's terms?

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Steffen Daode Nurpmeso <> wrote:
> @ Charles-François Natali wrote (2011-05-15 01:14+0200):
>> So if we really wanted to be safe, the only solution would be to
>> forbid fork() in a multi-threaded program.
>> Since it's not really a reasonable option
> But now - why this?  The only really acceptable thing if you have
> control about what you are doing is the following:
> class SMP::Process
>    /*!
>    * \brief Daemonize process.
>    *[.]
>    * \note
>    * The implementation of this function is not trivial.
>    * To avoid portability no-goes and other such problems,
>    * you may \e not call this function after you have initialized
>    * Thread::enableSMP(),
>    * nor may there (have) be(en) Child objects,
>    * nor may you have used an EventLoop!
>    * I.e., the process has to be a single threaded, "synchronous" one.
>    * [.]
>    */
>    pub static si32 daemonize(ui32 _daemon_flags=df_default);
> namespace SMP::POSIX
>    /*!
>    * \brief \fn fork(2).
>    *[.]
>    * Be aware that this passes by all \SMP and Child related code,
>    * i.e., this simply \e is the system-call.
>    * Signal::resetAllSignalStates() and Child::killAll() are thus if
>    * particular interest; thread handling is still entirely up to you.
>    */
>    pub static sir fork(void);
> Which kind of programs cannot be written with this restriction?
Date User Action Args
2011-05-16 18:57:30niraisetrecipients: + nirai, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, vstinner, bobbyi, neologix, sdaoden
2011-05-16 18:57:30niraisetmessageid: <>
2011-05-16 18:57:29nirailinkissue6721 messages
2011-05-16 18:57:29niraicreate