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Author schmir
Recipients Finkregh, Rebecca, ajaksu2, falsetru, georg.brandl, nvetoshkin, pitrou, python-dev, schmir, vstinner
Date 2011-05-10.09:30:03
SpamBayes Score 1.395742e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Either you clearerr or you can't rely on feof. fgets might also set the end of file indicator *and* return valid data. I don't see a reason to not call clearerr right before trying to read from the stream.
Date User Action Args
2011-05-10 09:30:04schmirsetrecipients: + schmir, georg.brandl, pitrou, falsetru, vstinner, ajaksu2, Rebecca, nvetoshkin, Finkregh, python-dev
2011-05-10 09:30:04schmirsetmessageid: <>
2011-05-10 09:30:03schmirlinkissue1195 messages
2011-05-10 09:30:03schmircreate