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Author rhettinger
Recipients eric.araujo, francescor, javawizard, lregebro, python-dev, rhettinger
Date 2011-04-18.23:14:21
SpamBayes Score 5.6937733e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I'm not sure that we really care about handling NotImplemented (practicality beats purity).  At some point, if someone writing a class wants complete control over the rich comparison methods, then they're going to have to write those methods.
Date User Action Args
2011-04-18 23:14:23rhettingersetrecipients: + rhettinger, eric.araujo, lregebro, francescor, python-dev, javawizard
2011-04-18 23:14:23rhettingersetmessageid: <>
2011-04-18 23:14:21rhettingerlinkissue10042 messages
2011-04-18 23:14:21rhettingercreate