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Author srid
Recipients barry, ncoghlan, palm.kevin, pitrou, srid, tarek
Date 2011-03-16.16:41:08
SpamBayes Score 2.1436065e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Can you explain why this is a problem in Python?
> Can't lib/python3.2/config-3.2m/Makefile simply be 
> provided by virtualenv (by copying it, I guess)?

Yes, I believe virtualenv already does that (or symlinks to it). Python 3.2 changed the path to config and include directories for some reason, viz.

$ ls -d /opt/ActivePython-3.*/lib/python3.?/*config*/


$ ls -d /opt/ActivePython-3.*/include/python3.?*

It is possible that virtualenv is hardcoding the relative path to 'config' (and 'include') directories and thus failing to find the new 'config-3.2m' dir. If that is the case, this is not a problem with Python.

Although msg129372 does point to a Python bug, it may or may not be related to the virtualenv issue noted earlier. Given that virtualenv doesn't officially Python 3 and virtualenv5 is more of a hack, I haven't investigated into this much.

Does that answer your question?
Date User Action Args
2011-03-16 16:41:09sridsetrecipients: + srid, barry, ncoghlan, pitrou, tarek, palm.kevin
2011-03-16 16:41:09sridsetmessageid: <>
2011-03-16 16:41:08sridlinkissue11320 messages
2011-03-16 16:41:08sridcreate