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Author georg.brandl
Recipients georg.brandl, r.david.murray, skip.montanaro, swamiyeswanth, takayuki
Date 2011-02-13.14:56:29
SpamBayes Score 2.7869786e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
BTW, it would be nice to know if this behavior was consistent with the docs at any time (the merge of the AST branch in 2.5 might be an obvious candidate where it was broken).

Also interesting would be what other implementations of Python do.
Date User Action Args
2011-02-13 14:56:30georg.brandlsetrecipients: + georg.brandl, skip.montanaro, r.david.murray, swamiyeswanth, takayuki
2011-02-13 14:56:30georg.brandlsetmessageid: <>
2011-02-13 14:56:29georg.brandllinkissue11205 messages
2011-02-13 14:56:29georg.brandlcreate