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Author ned.deily
Recipients naguilera, ned.deily, vstinner
Date 2011-01-21.17:18:09
SpamBayes Score 0.014937035
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
(Regarding the second problem: if IDLE does not launch when you double-click on it, please check for and report any error messages from /var/log/system.log at the time. You can use /Applications/Utilities/ to view system.log.)
Date User Action Args
2011-01-21 17:18:11ned.deilysetrecipients: + ned.deily, vstinner, naguilera
2011-01-21 17:18:11ned.deilysetmessageid: <>
2011-01-21 17:18:09ned.deilylinkissue10973 messages
2011-01-21 17:18:09ned.deilycreate