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Author scummos
Recipients benjamin.peterson, georg.brandl, rhettinger, scummos, terry.reedy
Date 2010-12-24.23:17:38
SpamBayes Score 1.3484609e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Hi Terry,

well, the current behaviour is... logical in some way, as it says "the whole expression which accesses an attribute starts at column 0", i.e. it's easy to understand why it's done like this. It just turns out that this is pretty useless...

I'll try to find out what changes would be needed in the code to make the col_offset attribute useful in this case.

Best regards,
Date User Action Args
2010-12-24 23:17:41scummossetrecipients: + scummos, georg.brandl, rhettinger, terry.reedy, benjamin.peterson
2010-12-24 23:17:41scummossetmessageid: <>
2010-12-24 23:17:38scummoslinkissue10769 messages
2010-12-24 23:17:38scummoscreate