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Author tarek
Recipients Brian.Jones, eric.araujo, orsenthil, tarek
Date 2010-11-26.14:18:06
SpamBayes Score 3.4653333e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
If you can make your server work with the current implementation, I'd rather not change this in distutils but in distutils2.

Distutils is frozen and we make only bug fixes. By bug fix I mean anything that is a bug. A non-strict implementation of the EOLs is not a bug, and I suggest that you write your patch against distutils2.

Eric, thanks for all the hard work in triaging the bugs ! Let's make sure we do the bare minimal maintenance in distutils, and suggest to people to contribute in distutils2. 

Brian, for distutils1, the register and upload command would be  considered buggy if they don't work for PyPI, which is not the case.

Date User Action Args
2010-11-26 14:18:07tareksetrecipients: + tarek, orsenthil, eric.araujo, Brian.Jones
2010-11-26 14:18:07tareksetmessageid: <>
2010-11-26 14:18:06tareklinkissue10510 messages
2010-11-26 14:18:06tarekcreate