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Author pebolle
Recipients docs@python, pebolle
Date 2010-10-15.06:50:02
SpamBayes Score 2.6764941e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
0) I ran into some (small) problems with the documentation added by revision 62195 (see issue 815646 for background).

1) A small patch that addresses two problems with the Python 2.7 documentation should be attached:
- link three occurrences of "GIL" to the GIL entry in the glossary; and
- add some example code to clarify the usage of PyFile_IncUseCount() andPyFile_DecUseCount().

2) That patch also adds a link to the "Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock" section to the GIL entry in the Documentation index. That is a separate problem. But fixing that minor problem could also be of help to people (like me) that need to better understand the GIL aspects of those two functions.
Date User Action Args
2010-10-15 06:50:08pebollesetrecipients: + pebolle, docs@python
2010-10-15 06:50:08pebollesetmessageid: <>
2010-10-15 06:50:05pebollelinkissue10111 messages
2010-10-15 06:50:05pebollecreate