The functions in the socket module which return host/domain
names, such as gethostbyaddr() and getnameinfo(), are wrappers
around byte-oriented interfaces but return Unicode strings in
3.x, and have not been updated to deal with undecodable byte
sequences in the results, as discussed in PEP 383.
Some DNS resolvers do discard hostnames not matching the
ASCII-only RFC 1123 syntax, but checks for this may be absent or
turned off, and non-ASCII bytes can be returned via other lookup
facilities such as /etc/hosts.
Currently, names are converted to str objects using
PyUnicode_FromString(), i.e. by attempting to decode them as
UTF-8. This can fail with UnicodeError of course, but even if it
succeeds, any non-ASCII names returned will fail to round-trip
correctly because most socket functions encode string arguments
into IDNA ASCII-compatible form before using them. For example,
with UTF-8 encoded entries € xn--lzg
in /etc/hosts, I get:
Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Mar 23 2010, 19:02:21)
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> from socket import *
>>> getnameinfo(("", 0), 0)
('€', '0')
>>> getaddrinfo(*_)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 0)), (2, 2, 17, '', ('', 0)), (2, 3, 0, '', ('', 0))]
Here, getaddrinfo() has encoded "€" to its corresponding ACE
label "xn--lzg", which maps to a different address.
PEP 383 can't be applied as-is here, since if the name happened
to be decodable in the file system encoding (and thus was
returned as valid non-ASCII Unicode), the result would fail to
round-trip correctly as shown above, but I think there is a
solution which follows the general idea of PEP 383.
Surrogate characters are not allowed in IDNs, since they are
prohibited by Nameprep[1][2], so if names were instead decoded as
ASCII with the surrogateescape error handler, strings
representing non-ASCII names would always contain surrogate
characters representing the non-ASCII bytes, and would therefore
fail to encode with the IDNA codec. Thus there would be no
ambiguity between these strings and valid IDNs. The attached
ascii-surrogateescape.diff does this.
The returned strings could then be made to round-trip as
arguments, by having functions that take hostname arguments
attempt to encode them using ASCII/surrogateescape first before
trying IDNA encoding. Since IDNA leaves ASCII names unchanged
and surrogate characters are not allowed in IDNs, this would not
change the interpretation of any string hostnames that are
currently accepted. It would remove the 63-octet limit on label
length currently imposed due to the IDNA encoding, for ASCII
names only, but since this is imposed due to the 63-octet limit
of the DNS, and non-IDN names may be intended for other
resolution mechanisms, I think this is a feature, not a bug :)
The patch try-surrogateescape-first.diff implements the above for
all relevant interfaces, including gethostbyaddr() and
getnameinfo(), which do currently accept hostnames, even if the
documentation is vague (in the standard library, socket.fqdn()
calls gethostbyaddr() with a hostname, and the "os" module docs
suggest calling socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname()) to get
the fully-qualified hostname).
The patch still allows hostnames to be passed as bytes objects,
but to simplify the implementation, it removes support for
bytearray (as has been done for pathnames in 3.2). Bytearrays
are currently only accepted by the socket object methods
(.connect(), etc.), and this is undocumented and perhaps
unintentional - the get*() functions have never accepted them.
One problem with the surrogateescape scheme would be with
existing code that looks up an address and then tries to write
the hostname to a log file or use it as part of the wire
protocol, since the surrogate characters would fail to encode as
ASCII or UTF-8, but the code would appear to work normally until
it encountered a non-ASCII hostname, allowing the problem to go
On the other hand, such code is probably broken as things stand,
given that the address lookup functions can undocumentedly raise
UnicodeError in the same situation. Also, protocol definitions
often specify some variant of the RFC 1123 syntax for hostnames
(thus making non-ASCII bytes illegal), so code that checked for
this prior to encoding the name would probably be OK, but it's
more likely the exception than the rule.
An alternative approach might be to return all hostnames as bytes
objects, thus breaking everything immediately and obviously...
[2] |