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Author belopolsky
Recipients belopolsky, docs@python, fdrake, techtonik, tim.peters
Date 2010-07-20.16:18:31
SpamBayes Score 0.00068436284
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Alexander Belopolsky
<> wrote:
> Interesting.  I actually like the original wording better.  For me,
> "my watch is 6 hours behind UTC" makes it clear that when the Big Ben
> clock shows tea time (18:00), my watch displays noon (17:00 - 6:00 =
> 12:00.)

I was too excited to add Alice in Wonderland humor to my post that did
not get the math right. :-)

The above should read 18:00 - 6:00 = 12:00, of course.  Or was it five
o'clock after all?
Date User Action Args
2010-07-20 16:18:37belopolskysetrecipients: + belopolsky, tim.peters, fdrake, techtonik, docs@python
2010-07-20 16:18:31belopolskylinkissue9305 messages
2010-07-20 16:18:31belopolskycreate