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Author pinard
Date 2002-06-01.14:03:14
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Marked as misclassified
Hello, Fred.

I'm looking at Web pages about the `inspect' module,
and more precisely
`inspect-stack.html'.  The text speaks about "higher"
and "lower", "above"
and "below", and this is ambiguous as people would draw
the stack top up,
and other would draw the stack top down.  Do you agree
that this could
be clarified?

The text could rather stick with words like "recent" or
"older", or "near
the top" or "away from the top", maybe.  Beware that
the word "deeper"
is ambiguous too.  Or else, the text could explain the
drawing convention
for stacks used in the text, so people could interpret
what is written.

One might try to guess the drawing conventions from the
fact functions have
"outer" and "inner" in their name, but this is too

Maybe the text could use "outer" and "inner" more
systematically, all over?
It would most probably create more clarity.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:01:47adminlinkissue563298 messages
2007-08-23 14:01:47admincreate