While it could be argued that it is 'obvious' that changing the stdin, stdout, stderr, and pid of a processes cannot work, I agree that a small addition would be good. In 17.1.2. Popen Objects, after "The following attributes are also available", insert " (do not try to change them)" before ':'.
Actually, it seems to me that the attributes should actually be read-only (in 3.2) if possible (via custom Popen.__setattr__), in which case the only doc change needed (for 3.2) would be insertion of 'read-only' before 'attributes'.
Georg, if you know the id of the subprocess maintainer (if there is one now), could you add him to the nosy list for an opinion or comment? |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2010-06-17 00:34:47 | terry.reedy | set | recipients:
+ terry.reedy, georg.brandl, vincent.legoll |
2010-06-17 00:34:46 | terry.reedy | set | messageid: <> |
2010-06-17 00:34:45 | terry.reedy | link | issue3687 messages |
2010-06-17 00:34:44 | terry.reedy | create | |