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Author techtonik
Recipients docs@python, techtonik
Date 2010-06-08.13:23:13
SpamBayes Score 0.043625012
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The abundance of methods and hierarchy depth of various servers from "Internet Protocols and Support" section makes it extremely hard to navigate information. You need a strong OOP background to be able to use this doc effectively, as examples are not intuitive otherwise.

Usually you need a decent IDE (such as Eclipse) to get a picture of class hierarchy and a table of all available methods with a mark where they were inherited from.

Such table (at least Class Hierarchy view screenshot from Eclipse) should be available in reference for descendant classes.
Date User Action Args
2010-06-08 13:23:16techtoniksetrecipients: + techtonik, docs@python
2010-06-08 13:23:16techtoniksetmessageid: <>
2010-06-08 13:23:14techtoniklinkissue8940 messages
2010-06-08 13:23:14techtonikcreate