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Author meador.inge
Recipients Alexander.Belopolsky, MrJean1, ajaksu2, barry, benjamin.peterson, inducer, mark.dickinson, meador.inge, noufal, pitrou, teoliphant
Date 2010-05-20.13:50:28
SpamBayes Score 0.0018373077
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> is that correct, or should the production list be something like:

Yup, you are right.  I will change the grammar.

> Whether these cases are valid or not (personally, I think they should 
> be), we should add some tests for them.  '<' *is* currently valid, I 
> believe.

I agree, they should be valid.  I will add more test cases.

> The possibility of mixing native size/alignment with standard 
> size/alignment in a single format string makes me a bit uneasy

I agree.  It is hard for me to see how this might be used.  In any case,
the relevant part of the PEP that I was following is:

"Endian-specification ('!', '@','=','>','<', '^') is also allowed inside the string so that it can change if needed. The previously-specified endian string is in force until changed. The default endian is '@' which means native data-types and alignment. If un-aligned, native data-types are requested, then the endian specification is '^'."

However, I am not quite sure how to interpret the last sentence.

> Should the switch to '>' within the embedded struct be regarded as 
> local to the struct?

No, there is no notion of scope here.  A given specifier is active until the next one is found.

> Ah, it should have been:
> assert(soself->s_tree != NULL);

D'oh!  I missed that when I merge over to py3k -- I started this work on trunk.  Thanks.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-20 13:50:46meador.ingesetrecipients: + meador.inge, barry, teoliphant, mark.dickinson, pitrou, inducer, ajaksu2, MrJean1, benjamin.peterson, noufal, Alexander.Belopolsky
2010-05-20 13:50:46meador.ingesetmessageid: <>
2010-05-20 13:50:43meador.ingelinkissue3132 messages
2010-05-20 13:50:40meador.ingecreate