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Author ronaldoussoren
Recipients ronaldoussoren, tarek
Date 2010-05-16.12:21:54
SpamBayes Score 2.249996e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Output of test_distutils on a older SuSE Linux system:

FAILED (errors=1, skipped=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../Lib/test/", line 18, in <module>
  File "../Lib/test/", line 13, in test_main
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/test/", line 1038, in run_unittest
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/test/", line 1021, in _run_suite
    raise TestFailed(err)
test.test_support.TestFailed: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/distutils/tests/", line 167, in test_compress_deprecated
    make_tarball(base_name, 'dist', compress='compress')
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/distutils/", line 116, in make_tarball
    spawn(cmd, dry_run=dry_run)
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/distutils/", line 34, in spawn
    _spawn_posix(cmd, search_path, dry_run=dry_run)
  File "/home/xsupport/rtest/python-trunk/Lib/distutils/", line 141, in _spawn_posix
    (cmd[0], exit_status)
DistutilsExecError: command 'compress' failed with exit status 1

This system has a fake 'compress' command that only supports uncompress functionality:

$ compress --help
Usage: compress OPTION FILE
Dummy script for uncompressing legacy shar files.

with OPTION in:
      --help      display this help and exit
      --version   output version information and exit

  -d              uncompress

Use `gzip' for compressing files.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-16 12:21:58ronaldoussorensetrecipients: + ronaldoussoren, tarek
2010-05-16 12:21:57ronaldoussorensetmessageid: <>
2010-05-16 12:21:56ronaldoussorenlinkissue8730 messages
2010-05-16 12:21:54ronaldoussorencreate