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Author paul.moore
Recipients brian.curtin, exarkun, paul.moore, pitrou, tim.golden
Date 2010-04-30.16:30:28
SpamBayes Score 0.044207487
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
OK. I've attached a patch which removes the use of get_unused_port for test_smtplib and test_multiprocessing. It doesn't use bind_port as both cases test classes that create their own port internally, rather I've used port 0 and then introspected the actual port assigned.

The same process could probably be used for the remaining uses of get_unused_port, but I haven't tackled them yet.

Tested on my local PC and on the buildbot where I see the bug. Both tests run fine in both cases. I'm running the full test suite now.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-30 16:30:31paul.mooresetrecipients: + paul.moore, exarkun, pitrou, tim.golden, brian.curtin
2010-04-30 16:30:31paul.mooresetmessageid: <>
2010-04-30 16:30:30paul.moorelinkissue8576 messages
2010-04-30 16:30:29paul.moorecreate