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Author neologix
Recipients DazWorrall, aconrad, alex, andrix, brian.curtin, carljm, coderanger, cool-RR, dabeaz, djc, donaldjeo, durin42, eric.araujo, eric.smith, flox, gregory.p.smith, jcea, jhylton, karld, kevinwatters, konryd, larry, loewis, mahmoudimus, movement, neologix, nirai, pitrou, rcohen, rh0dium, tarek, thouis, ysj.ray
Date 2010-04-27.14:31:14
SpamBayes Score 2.921635e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Do you have any examples or insight you can provide about how these segfaults have shown up in Python code?   I'm not able to observe any such behavior on OS-X or Linux.  Is this happening while running the ccbench program?  Some other program?

If you're talking about the first issue (segfaults due to writting to gil_last_holder->cpu_bound), it was occuring quite often during ccbench (pretty much anywhere malloc/free was called). I'm running a regular dual-core Linux box, nothing special.

For the second one, I didn't observe any segfault, I just figured this out reading the code and confirmed it with valgrind, but it's much less likely because the race window is very short and it also requires that the page is unmmaped in between.

If someone really wanted to get segfaults, I guess a good start would be:
- get a fast machine, multi-core is a bonus
- use a kernel with full preemption
- use a lot of threads (-n option with ccbench)
- use purify or valgrind --free-fill option so that you're sure to jump to noland if you dereference a previously-free'd pointer
Date User Action Args
2010-04-27 14:31:17neologixsetrecipients: + neologix, loewis, jhylton, gregory.p.smith, jcea, pitrou, movement, larry, eric.smith, kevinwatters, tarek, djc, karld, carljm, coderanger, durin42, eric.araujo, nirai, alex, andrix, konryd, brian.curtin, flox, DazWorrall, cool-RR, rh0dium, rcohen, dabeaz, mahmoudimus, aconrad, ysj.ray, thouis, donaldjeo
2010-04-27 14:31:17neologixsetmessageid: <>
2010-04-27 14:31:15neologixlinkissue7946 messages
2010-04-27 14:31:14neologixcreate