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Author Alexander.Belopolsky
Recipients Alexander.Belopolsky, brett.cannon, l0nwlf, skip.montanaro, tebeka, vstinner, webograph
Date 2010-04-20.15:28:16
SpamBayes Score 1.1203993e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This is certainly not a bug, so I don't think targeting 2.7 is appropriate.  I have explained in a comment on issue2706 (see msg75917) why I believe true division of timedelta by int should not be supported.  In short, true division of timedelta by int is supposed to return fractional number of microseconds, but python lacks a type that can represent it.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-20 15:28:18Alexander.Belopolskysetrecipients: + Alexander.Belopolsky, skip.montanaro, brett.cannon, tebeka, vstinner, webograph, l0nwlf
2010-04-20 15:28:17Alexander.Belopolskysetmessageid: <>
2010-04-20 15:28:16Alexander.Belopolskylinkissue1083 messages
2010-04-20 15:28:16Alexander.Belopolskycreate