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Author mschu
Recipients mschu
Date 2010-04-18.22:45:27
SpamBayes Score 0.0001009498
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Independent from HTTP strict, an invalid BadStatusLine() exception is raised when a keep-alive connection exceeds its timeout:

client->server <request>
s->c <answer>
<connection timeout passing>
s->c: FIN/ACK
c->s: ACK
c->s: <get request>/FIN
s->c: RST (without data)

which raises the exception.

An easy workaround is to either poll information often enough for the server to not close the connection or close and reopen the connection. However, the exception is misleading.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-18 22:45:31mschusetrecipients: + mschu
2010-04-18 22:45:31mschusetmessageid: <>
2010-04-18 22:45:28mschulinkissue8450 messages
2010-04-18 22:45:28mschucreate