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Author loewis
Recipients eric.araujo, lemburg, loewis, pitrou, ubuntujenkins
Date 2010-04-11.23:04:23
SpamBayes Score 0.0010572926
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> When the table is updated in trunk, can it be backported to 2.6?

With the changes to the encodings for some of the locales (e.g. 'ru'), I
would advise against such a backport.

This also demonstrates one fundamental flaw of the approach: even if X11
decides that 'ru' should be using "UTF-8", some local installations will
certainly differ. Likewise when they decided that "ru" uses iso-8859-5.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-11 23:04:24loewissetrecipients: + loewis, lemburg, pitrou, eric.araujo, ubuntujenkins
2010-04-11 23:04:23loewislinkissue8374 messages
2010-04-11 23:04:23loewiscreate