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Author vstinner
Recipients Arfrever, lemburg, loewis, vstinner
Date 2010-03-25.01:06:19
SpamBayes Score 4.2465444e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> I commited my patch: r79392 (trunk). I'm waiting for the buildbots before porting to other branches :-)

The buildbots look happy => r79401 (py3k), blocked in 2.6 and 3.1

The issue title was "configure: ignore AC_PROG_CC hardcoded CFLAGS", and not "fix configure", so I can close the issue.

Marc-Andre: open a new issue if you are motivated to fix "configure mess" :-)
Date User Action Args
2010-03-25 01:06:21vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, lemburg, loewis, Arfrever
2010-03-25 01:06:21vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2010-03-25 01:06:19vstinnerlinkissue8211 messages
2010-03-25 01:06:19vstinnercreate