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Author tarek
Recipients davidfraser, giampaolo.rodola, lkcl, rpetrov, rschoon.old, tarek, zooko
Date 2010-03-13.17:18:41
SpamBayes Score 8.405704e-08
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Roumen, I am moving all the new work in distutils into distutils2, and distutils is going to be frozen.

Do you want to work on this feature in distutils2 ? (which is distutils code base before I started to revert things)

Let me know so I mark this issue under "Distutils2"
Date User Action Args
2010-03-13 17:18:43tareksetrecipients: + tarek, lkcl, zooko, davidfraser, giampaolo.rodola, rpetrov, rschoon.old
2010-03-13 17:18:43tareksetmessageid: <>
2010-03-13 17:18:41tareklinkissue3871 messages
2010-03-13 17:18:41tarekcreate