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ID Activity Title Status
28234 27 months ago In xml.etree.ElementTree docs there are many absent Element class links has patch has PR open
28343 27 months ago Bad encoding alias cp936 -> gbk: euro sign open
28355 27 months ago wsgiref simple_server PATH_INFO treats slashes and %2F the same open
28398 27 months ago Return singleton empty string in _PyUnicode_FromASCII has patch open
28411 27 months ago [subinterpreters] Eliminate PyInterpreterState.modules. has patch has PR open
28607 27 months ago C implementation of parts of copy.deepcopy has patch open
28693 27 months ago No EUDC (HKSCS) support in Windows cp950 open
28712 27 months ago Non-Windows mappings for a couple of Windows code pages open
28824 27 months ago os.environ should preserve the case of the OS keys ? open
28945 27 months ago email: get_boundary (and get_filename) invokes unquote twice has patch open
29020 27 months ago email: collapse_rfc2231_value has inconsistent unquoting open
29178 27 months ago Adding bytes.frombuffer(byteslike) constructor has patch open
29241 27 months ago sys._enablelegacywindowsfsencoding() don't apply to os.fsencode and os.fsdecode open
29288 27 months ago Lookup Error while importing idna from a worker thread open
29750 27 months ago smtplib doesn't handle unicode passwords has PR open
29992 27 months ago Expose parse_string in JSONDecoder open
30128 27 months ago xid_start definition for Unicode identifiers refers to xid_continue open
30294 27 months ago ./configure, pydebug and pymalloc open
30422 27 months ago Add roadmap.txt section to idlelib open
30435 27 months ago Documentation either unclear or incorrect on comparisons between bytes and strings in Python 3 open
30483 27 months ago urllib.parse.parse_qsl does not handle unicode data properly open
30510 27 months ago c_bool type not supported for BigEndianStructure on little-endian machine open
30586 27 months ago Encode to EBCDIC doesn't take into account conversion table irregularities open
30588 27 months ago Missing documentation for codecs.escape_decode has PR open
30638 27 months ago Additional dependencies and rule for `make regen-all` has PR open
30680 27 months ago textwrap should treat Unicode em-dash like ASCII em-dash has PR open
30717 27 months ago Add unicode grapheme cluster break algorithm has PR open
30772 27 months ago Normalise non-ASCII variable names in __all__ open
31171 27 months ago multiprocessing.BoundedSemaphore of 32-bit python could not work while cross compiling on linux platform has PR open
31939 27 months ago Support return annotation in signature for Argument Clinic open
31984 27 months ago startswith and endswith leak implementation details open
32198 27 months ago \b reports false-positives in Indic strings involving combining marks open
32354 27 months ago Unclear intention of deprecating Py_UNICODE_TOLOWER / Py_UNICODE_TOUPPER open
32530 27 months ago How ro fix the chm encoding in Non western european codepage(cp1252) Windows open
32582 27 months ago chr raises OverflowError has patch has PR open
32612 27 months ago pathlib.(Pure)WindowsPaths can compare equal but refer to different files open
32771 27 months ago merge the underlying data stores of unicodedata and the str type open
32912 27 months ago Raise non-silent warning for invalid escape sequences has PR open
32982 27 months ago Parse out invisible Unicode characters? open
33259 27 months ago Encoding issue in the name of the local DST timezone open
33705 27 months ago Unicode is normalised after keywords are checked for open
33973 27 months ago HTTP request-line parsing splits on Unicode whitespace has PR open
34256 27 months ago Python treats ASCII record separator ('\x1e') as a newline open
35195 27 months ago [Windows] Python 3.7 initializes LC_CTYPE locale at startup, causing performance issue on msvcrt isdigit() open
35214 27 months ago Get the test suite passing with clang Memory Sanitizer enabled has PR open
35549 27 months ago Add globbing to unicodedata.lookup open
35638 27 months ago Introduce fixed point locale aware format type for floating point numbers has PR open
35768 27 months ago IDLE: Auto measure font fixed pitch characteristics open
35874 27 months ago Clarify that the (...) convertor to PyArg_ParseTuple... accepts any sequence. open
36093 27 months ago UnicodeEncodeError raise from smtplib.verify() method open
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