There is one bug and one maybe-bug in creation of the
coverage file directory in
The maybe-bug is that it doesn't attempt to create the
directory if it got the directory name from the name of
the .py file (instead of getting the directory name
from the --coverdir command line option).
Normally the directory will already exist, but if you
are writing out coverage files from a stored report
(or, I suppose, if someone deleted the directory after
the modules were loaded but before you wrote out the
report), then it won't. This patch makes it so that it
always attempts to create the directory before
attempting to write files into it. The patch also adds
a statement to that effect to the "--help" usage info.
The other bug is that it attempts to create a directory
if not os.path.exists(dir):
, which is a race condition that will very rarely raise
a spurious exception ("File exists:") if two threads or
processes execute it at the same time.
The fix provided in this patch is to copy from my
pyutil project [1] a utility function that works around
this race condition and invoke that function. On
request I'll provide a slimmed-down version of that
function, since we don't use all of its options in
This patch hasn't been tested at ALL. In fact, I
haven't tested in general since before it
moved from Tools/scripts to Lib/. As this patch ought
to go into Python 2.3, it ought to be tested, and I
promise to do so soon.
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to look at this. I just checked the
source in current trunk, and the relevant code is the same so this
patch is still useful. (See the initial post for details.)
Here is an updated version of the patch which simply removes some
dead code and updates a URL:
diff -rN -u old-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ new-up/
--- old-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ 2007-09-28 16:41:24.000000000
+++ new-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ 2007-09-28 16:41:25.000000000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Bootstrap setuptools installation
If you want to use setuptools in your package's, just
include this
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
This file can also be run as a script to install or upgrade setuptools.
-import sys
+import os, re, subprocess, sys
% sys.version[:3]
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
'setuptools-0.6c6-py2.5.egg': 'b2f8a7520709a5b34f80946de5f02f53',
-import sys, os
def _validate_md5(egg_name, data):
if egg_name in md5_data:
from md5 import md5
@@ -58,6 +56,42 @@
return data
+# The following code to parse versions is copied from so that
+# we can parse versions without importing that module.
+component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.| -)', re.VERBOSE)
+replace = {'pre':'c',
+def _parse_version_parts(s):
+ for part in component_re.split(s):
+ part = replace(part,part)
+ if not part or part=='.':
+ continue
+ if part[:1] in '0123456789':
+ yield part.zfill(8) # pad for numeric comparison
+ else:
+ yield '*'+part
+ yield '*final' # ensure that alpha/beta/candidate are before final
+def parse_version(s):
+ parts = []
+ for part in _parse_version_parts(s.lower()):
+ if part.startswith('*'):
+ if part<'*final': # remove '-' before a prerelease tag
+ while parts and parts[-1]=='*final-': parts.pop()
+ # remove trailing zeros from each series of numeric parts
+ while parts and parts[-1]=='00000000':
+ parts.pop()
+ parts.append(part)
+ return tuple(parts)
+def setuptools_is_new_enough(required_version):
+ """Return True if setuptools is already installed and has a version
+ number >= required_version."""
+ sub = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c", "import
setuptools;print setuptools.__version__"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ verstr =
+ ver = parse_version(verstr)
+ return ver and ver >= parse_version(required_version)
def use_setuptools(
version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL,
@@ -74,32 +108,11 @@
this routine will print a message to ``sys.stderr`` and raise
SystemExit in
an attempt to abort the calling script.
- try:
- import setuptools
- if setuptools.__version__ == '0.0.1':
- print >>sys.stderr, (
- "You have an obsolete version of setuptools installed.
- "remove it from your system entirely before rerunning
this script."
- )
- sys.exit(2)
- except ImportError:
+ if not setuptools_is_new_enough(version):
egg = download_setuptools(version, download_base, to_dir,
sys.path.insert(0, egg)
import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg
- import pkg_resources
- try:
- pkg_resources.require("setuptools>="+version)
- except pkg_resources.VersionConflict, e:
- # XXX could we install in a subprocess here?
- print >>sys.stderr, (
- "The required version of setuptools (>=%s) is not
available, and\n"
- "can't be installed while this script is running. Please
- " a more recent version first.\n\n(Currently using %r)"
- ) % (version, e.args[0])
- sys.exit(2)
def download_setuptools(
version=DEFAULT_VERSION, download_base=DEFAULT_URL,
delay = 15
@@ -150,9 +163,14 @@
def main(argv, version=DEFAULT_VERSION):
"""Install or upgrade setuptools and EasyInstall"""
- try:
- import setuptools
- except ImportError:
+ if setuptools_is_new_enough(version):
+ if argv:
+ from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
+ main(argv)
+ else:
+ print "Setuptools version",version,"or greater has been
+ print '(Run " -U setuptools" to reinstall or
+ else:
egg = None
egg = download_setuptools(version, delay=0)
@@ -162,31 +180,6 @@
if egg and os.path.exists(egg):
- else:
- if setuptools.__version__ == '0.0.1':
- # tell the user to uninstall obsolete version
- use_setuptools(version)
- req = "setuptools>="+version
- import pkg_resources
- try:
- pkg_resources.require(req)
- except pkg_resources.VersionConflict:
- try:
- from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
- except ImportError:
- from easy_install import main
- main(list(argv)+[download_setuptools(delay=0)])
- sys.exit(0) # try to force an exit
- else:
- if argv:
- from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
- main(argv)
- else:
- print "Setuptools version",version,"or greater has been
- print '(Run " -U setuptools" to reinstall or
def update_md5(filenames):
"""Update our built-in md5 registry"""
> Here is an updated version of the patch which simply removes some
> dead code and updates a URL:
> regards,
> Zooko
> diff -rN -u old-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ new-up/
> setuptools-0.6c7/
> --- old-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ 2007-09-28
> 16:41:24.000000000 -0600
> +++ new-up/setuptools-0.6c7/ 2007-09-28
> 16:41:25.000000000 -0600
Oops, the in-lined patch contents were a different patch entirely,
but the attached patch file was correct.
Just for completeness, here is the correct in-lined patch contents:
Index: Lib/
--- Lib/ (revision 58282)
+++ Lib/ (working copy)
@@ -85,7 +85,12 @@
-r, --report Generate a report from a counts file; do not
any code. `--file' must specify the results
file to
read, which must have been created in a
previous run
- with `--count --file=FILE'.
+ with `--count --file=FILE'. If --coverdir is not
+ specified, the .cover files will be written
into the
+ directory that the modules were in when the
report was
+ generated. Whether or not --coverdir is
+ --report will always create the cover file
directory if
+ necessary.
-f, --file=<file> File to accumulate counts over several runs.
@@ -197,6 +202,33 @@
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
return filename
+# The following function is copied from the fileutil module from the
+# project:
+# We use this function instead of os.makedirs() so that we don't get a
+# spurious exception when someone else creates the directory at the
+# moment we do. (For example, another thread or process that is
also running
+# trace.)
+def make_dirs(dirname, mode=0777):
+ """
+ A threadsafe and idempotent version of os.makedirs(). If the
dir already
+ exists, do nothing and return without raising an exception. If
this call
+ creates the dir, return without raising an exception. If there
is an
+ error that prevents creation or if the directory gets deleted after
+ make_dirs() creates it and before make_dirs() checks that it
exists, raise
+ an exception.
+ """
+ tx = None
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dirname, mode)
+ except OSError, x:
+ tx = x
+ if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ if tx:
+ raise tx
+ raise exceptions.IOError, "unknown error prevented creation
of directory, or deleted the directory immediately after creation: %
s" % dirname # careful not to construct an IOError with a 2-tuple, as
that has a special meaning...
class CoverageResults:
def __init__(self, counts=None, calledfuncs=None, infile=None,
callers=None, outfile=None):
@@ -290,15 +322,15 @@
if filename.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
filename = filename[:-1]
- if coverdir is None:
+ if coverdir is not None:
+ dir = coverdir
+ modulename = fullmodname(filename)
+ else:
dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
modulename = modname(filename)
- else:
- dir = coverdir
- if not os.path.exists(dir):
- os.makedirs(dir)
- modulename = fullmodname(filename)
+ make_dirs(dir)
# If desired, get a list of the line numbers which
# executable content (returned as a dict for better
lookup speed)
if show_missing:
I reviewed the patch and ported the changes to the newest sources (since the fix to issue 9299, os.makedirs can be naturally used with its new flag to fix the bug Zooko refers to).
However, while experimenting, I think I ran into much larger problems. Either that or I've forgotten how to use the module :-) Attaching two files (one imports the other) on which I try to run the following:
python -m trace -c
>> OK: I get trace_target.cover & traced_module.cover created
However, now running:
python -m trace -r --file=trace_target.cover
>> ...
pickle.load(open(self.infile, 'rb'))
_pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, ' '.
Also, trying to provide --file to -c:
python -m trace -c --file=xyz.cover
>> xyz.cover is ignored and the same two .cover files are created.
Can you take a look at this?
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 3:34 AM, Eli Bendersky <> wrote:
> However, while experimenting, I think I ran into much larger problems. Either that or I've forgotten
> how to use the module :-)
I am afraid it is the latter. :-) The file specified in --file option
should be a pickle, not a coverage file from the previous run.
$ ./python.exe -m trace -s -f counts.pickle -c
K is 380
Skipping counts file 'counts.pickle': [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: 'counts.pickle'
lines cov% module (path)
1 100% trace (/Users/sasha/Work/python-svn/py3k-commit/Lib/
9 100% trace_target (
6 100% traced_module (
$ ./python.exe -m pickletools counts.pickle
0: ( MARK
2: q BINPUT 0
4: ( MARK
5: ( MARK
However, there is a problem here, I think:
$ ./python.exe -m trace -s -f counts.pickle -c
K is 380
lines cov% module (path)
1 100% trace (/Users/sasha/Work/python-svn/py3k-commit/Lib/
9 100% trace_target (
6 100% traced_module (
$ ./python.exe -m trace -s -f counts.pickle -c
K is 380
lines cov% module (path)
1 100% trace (/Users/sasha/Work/python-svn/py3k-commit/Lib/
9 100% trace_target (
6 100% traced_module (
The counts should grow in repeated runs.