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Title: bug 755031; null byte in file name
Type: Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 2.3
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: ahlstromjc, gward
Priority: normal Keywords: patch

Created on 2003-06-17 15:47 by ahlstromjc, last changed 2022-04-10 16:09 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
zipfile.diff ahlstromjc, 2003-06-17 15:47 diff against 6-17-2003 CVS
Messages (2)
msg44047 - (view) Author: James C. Ahlstrom (ahlstromjc) Date: 2003-06-17 15:47
This is a patch for Bug 755031: If a null byte appears in 
a file name, Python retains it, but InfoZip 
terminates the name.  Null bytes in file names are used 
as a trick by viruses.  I tested WinZip, and it also 
truncates the file name at the null byte.

I am about 80% sure this patch is a good idea, but it 
does add a little more complexity.  If the consensus is 
that virus files are not Python's problem, I won't be 
offended if it is rejected.  It does seem useful to be 
consistent with WinZip and InfoZip.

The patch also fixes a buglet:  If a zipfile incorrectly 
uses a directory separator other than '/', there was an 
invalid complaint that the central directory name does 
not match the file header name.

I also removed my name from the top of the file.  It was 
there for legal reasons which I believe no longer apply.  
Many people have worked on this file besides me.

I don't believe there should be a test for null bytes in 
the test suite.
msg44048 - (view) Author: Greg Ward (gward) (Python committer) Date: 2003-06-18 01:07
Logged In: YES 

Thanks Jim!  Your patch works for me, and the test still
passes.  I've checked it in on the trunk (rev 1.29, 1.30)
and backported it to release22-maint branch.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:09:16adminsetgithub: 38667
2003-06-17 15:47:13ahlstromjccreate