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Created on 2009-03-06 13:22 by Nigel Galloway, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.
Files | ||||
File name | Uploaded | Description | Edit | |
BuildLog.htm | Nigel Galloway, 2009-03-06 13:22 | Output Log |
Messages (6) | |||
msg83242 - (view) | Author: Nigel Galloway (Nigel Galloway) | Date: 2009-03-06 13:22 | |
C:\Users\Nigel\myPython\iajaar>C:\Users\Nigel\swigwin-1.3.38\swig - c++ -python -py3 NigelzGLPK.swg generated a C++ wrapper and a Python file. When I attempted to compile the wrapper against Python 3.0.1 it failed see the output log at the end of this message. I decided to modify object.h from C:\Python30\include: typedef PyObject *(*getattrofunc)(PyObject *, PyObject *); typedef int (*setattrfunc)(PyObject *, char *, PyObject *); typedef int (*setattrofunc)(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); typedef PyObject *(*reprfunc)(PyObject *); typedef PyObject *(*getattrofunc)(PyObject *, PyObject *); typedef int (*setattrfunc)(PyObject *, char *, PyObject *); typedef int (*cmpfunc)(PyObject *, PyObject *); typedef int (*setattrofunc)(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *); typedef PyObject *(*reprfunc)(PyObject *); adding the typedef for cmpfunc. It then compiles fine, AND appears to work. C:\Users\Nigel\myPython\iajaar\Python>c:\Python30\python * 0: obj = 0.000000000e+000 infeas = 0.000e+000 (0) * 2: obj = 7.333333333e+002 infeas = 0.000e+000 (0) OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND Z = 733.333333333 ; x1 = 33.3333333333 ; x2 = 66.6666666667 ; x3 = 0.0 Is this good, or should I do something else? Compile Log: Build Log Rebuild started: Project: nigelzGLPK, Configuration: Release|Win32 Command Lines Creating temporary file "c:\Users\Nigel\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\nigelzGLPK\nigelzGLPK\Release\RSP00001137523960.rsp" with contents [ /O2 /Oi /GL /I "C:\Users\Nigel\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\glpk\include" /I "C:\Python30 \include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "NIGELZG LPK_EXPORTS" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /FD /EHsc /MD /Gy /Fo"Release\\" /Fd"Release\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP "..\..\..\..\..\myP ython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx" ] Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:\Users\Nigel\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\nigelzGLPK\nigelzGLPK\Release\RSP00001137523960.rsp" /nologo /errorReport:prompt" Output Window Compiling... NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1772) : error C2065: 'cmpfunc' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1772) : error C2146: syntax error : missing '}' before identifier 'SwigPyObject_compare' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1772) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'SwigPyObject_compare' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1817) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1818) : error C2065: 'tmp' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1825) : error C2059: syntax error : 'return' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1943) : error C2065: 'cmpfunc' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1943) : error C2146: syntax error : missing '}' before identifier 'SwigPyPacked_compare' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1943) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'SwigPyPacked_compare' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1988) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1989) : error C2065: 'tmp' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1996) : error C2059: syntax error : 'return' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1997) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1997) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(1997) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2001) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2001) : error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2400) : error C3861: 'SwigPyPacked_New': identifier not found ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2635) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2635) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2635) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(2674) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier c:\users\nigel\mypython\iajaar\iajaar.h(59) : warning C4290: C++ exception specification ignored except to indicate a function is not __declspec(nothrow) ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3176) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3191) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3207) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3226) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3253) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3277) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3277) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3296) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3318) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3324) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3340) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3346) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3362) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3368) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3383) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3399) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3415) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3442) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3461) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3476) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3492) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3508) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3535) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3560) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3587) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3606) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3621) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3637) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3653) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3680) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3705) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3732) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3757) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3784) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3809) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3836) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3861) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3888) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3913) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3940) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3965) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(3992) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4017) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4044) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4069) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4096) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4121) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4148) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4173) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4200) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4225) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4252) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4277) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4282) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4311) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4317) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4330) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4345) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4361) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4377) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4404) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4429) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4456) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4481) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4508) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4533) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4560) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4585) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4612) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4637) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4664) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4689) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4716) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4741) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4768) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4793) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4820) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4845) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4872) : error C2065: 'swig_types' : undeclared identifier ..\..\..\..\..\myPython\iajaar\NigelzGLPK_wrap.cxx(4872) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Nigel\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\nigelzGLPK\nigelzGLPK\Release\BuildLog.htm" nigelzGLPK - 102 error(s), 1 warning(s) |
msg83246 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2009-03-06 15:35 | |
This is not a bug in Python; apparently, SWIG hasn't been ported to Python 3.0.1. |
msg83247 - (view) | Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc (amaury.forgeotdarc) * ![]() |
Date: 2009-03-06 15:42 | |
I'm sure swig was ported to python 3.0. Is 3.0.1 allowed to break code developed with 3.0? |
msg83253 - (view) | Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * ![]() |
Date: 2009-03-06 19:34 | |
> I'm sure swig was ported to python 3.0. > Is 3.0.1 allowed to break code developed with 3.0? Of course it was! Removal of cmp support was a deliberate breakage made in 3.0.1, see issue1717. In any case, it isn't coming back. |
msg83432 - (view) | Author: Nigel Galloway (Nigel Galloway) | Date: 2009-03-10 14:05 | |
Not quite an answer to the question. I have built this wrapper with the change to Python indicated. It seems to work. It does not complain about unresolved references. Is this satisfactory for 3.0.1, with perhaps a change to SWIG from 3.1. Or must I obtain Python 3.0 and start again? |
msg83553 - (view) | Author: Terry J. Reedy (terry.reedy) * ![]() |
Date: 2009-03-14 00:44 | |
This development issues tracker is for issues that might result in changes in future Python releases. This issue was properly closed and in the absence of a new proposal for future change, should have stayed closed, even with the addition of a comment. The only-half removal of the cmp family in 3.0 was an error. For better or for worse, and after much discussion, the developers decided to fix the error immediately in 3.0.1 in order to prevent more error-dependent portings that would need further fix in 3.1. In other words, better a little pain now than more pain in the future. What you do with your installation is up to you. If adding a line works for you as a temporary measure, great. Or help the SWIG folks to finish the port to Python 3 as intended and as it is in 3.0.1 and will be in the future. Further current-release usage questions should be directed to the python-list (or c.l.p or the gmane mirror) or other forums. PS. Your original post would have been more readable with the long error log severely snipped to just show the essential point. |
History | |||
Date | User | Action | Args |
2022-04-11 14:56:46 | admin | set | github: 49681 |
2009-03-14 00:44:46 | terry.reedy | set | status: open -> closed nosy: + terry.reedy messages: + msg83553 |
2009-03-10 14:05:52 | Nigel Galloway | set | status: closed -> open messages: + msg83432 |
2009-03-06 19:34:55 | loewis | set | messages: + msg83253 |
2009-03-06 15:42:09 | amaury.forgeotdarc | set | nosy:
+ amaury.forgeotdarc messages: + msg83247 |
2009-03-06 15:35:40 | loewis | set | status: open -> closed resolution: not a bug messages: + msg83246 nosy: + loewis |
2009-03-06 13:22:31 | Nigel Galloway | create |