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Title: _socket problem on solaris
Type: Stage:
Components: Build Versions:
Status: closed Resolution: works for me
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: loewis Nosy List: bentterp, loewis
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2001-09-24 14:37 by bentterp, last changed 2022-04-10 16:04 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (3)
msg6671 - (view) Author: Bent Nagstrup Terp (bentterp) Date: 2001-09-24 14:37
I can't get the _socket module to build on solaris 8
with gcc 2.95.3

The compilation doesn't produce any errors, only lots
of "warning: function declaration isn't a prototype",
mainly from openssl header files, but also some from
socketmodule.c itself:
/root/Python-2.1.1/Modules/socketmodule.c: In function
warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
/root/Python-2.1.1/Modules/socketmodule.c: In function
warning: function declaration isn't a prototype

But as they are only warnings and not errors,
compilation succeeds:
building '_socket' extension
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DUSE_SSL=1
-I/usr/local/ssl/include -I.
-I/root/Python-2.1.1/./Include -I/usr/local/include
-IInclude/ -c /root/Python-2.1.1/Modules/socketmodule.c
-o build/temp.solaris-2.8-sun4u-2.1/socketmodule.o
<snip loads of warnings>
gcc -shared
-L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lssl -lcrypto -o

The socket library is being referenced in the toplevel
LIBS=           -lpthread -lsocket -lnsl -ldl 

The errors only start to show up during 'make test':

Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/Python-2.1.1/Lib/", line 378,
in __bootstrap
  File "./Lib/test/", line 12, in run
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
AttributeError: 'socket' module has no attribute
test test_asynchat crashed --
exceptions.AttributeError: 'socket' module has no
attribute 'AF_INET'
test test_socket crashed -- exceptions.AttributeError:
'socket' module has no attribute 'error'

Is there any other information that I could provide to

with kind regards,
        Bent Nagstrup Terp
        Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
        Karolinska Instituttet
        von Eulers Väg 8
        171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

msg6672 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-09-26 17:44
Logged In: YES 

Try 'import _socket' and report what that does.
msg6673 - (view) Author: Bent Nagstrup Terp (bentterp) Date: 2001-10-24 06:30
Logged In: YES 

Unable to reproduce error after installing libs for gcc3.0.1

I know, that has nothing to do with it, but that's just
Solaris for you ;-)
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:04:28adminsetgithub: 35230
2001-09-24 14:37:53bentterpcreate