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Title: socketmodule doesn't build on libc5 linu
Type: Stage:
Components: Build Versions:
Status: closed Resolution: wont fix
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: gvanrossum
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2001-09-21 14:51 by anonymous, last changed 2022-04-10 16:04 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (2)
msg6634 - (view) Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Date: 2001-09-21 14:51
I've tried to build Python 2.1.1 on libc5 linux 
(Slackware 4). After configure I had to edit 
Modules/Setup to tell it to make the socket module, 
or "import socket" wouldn't work. But, compiling the 
socket module seems to demand glibc2.*. This is the 

./Modules/socketmodule.c:178: netpacket/packet.h: No 
such file or directory

The FAQ says (3.8): "Once you've built Python, use it 
to run the script in the Lib/linux1 
directory". There is no or such directory. 
And the FAQ says that it's for Linux 1.*... (I'm 
running 2.2.19).
msg6635 - (view) Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-09-21 15:01
Logged In: YES 

Sorry, we don't have the resources to support libc5. If you
develop a patch to make socketmodule.c compile with libc5,
please submit it to the SF patch manager.

The FAQ is out of date; since you're on Linux 2.x, you
should look at the linux2 directory, but normally you
shouldn't have to recompile.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:04:27adminsetgithub: 35219
2001-09-21 14:51:30anonymouscreate