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Title: CLA check fails with a 500 error
Type: Stage: resolved
Components: Versions:
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Mariatta Nosy List: Mariatta, bkline, rhettinger, shreyanavigyan
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2021-04-09 12:47 by bkline, last changed 2022-04-11 14:59 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
Server Error 500.png shreyanavigyan, 2021-04-09 16:55 Screenshot of the Server Error
Messages (12)
msg390612 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-09 12:47
The tool to check whether the CLA has been received fails with a 500 error.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Add your GitHub name to your b.p.o. record.
2. Navigate to
3. Enter your GitHub name and press the "Check" button
4. "500 Internal server error / Server got itself in trouble"
msg390649 - (view) Author: Shreyan Avigyan (shreyanavigyan) * Date: 2021-04-09 16:55
I agree with you. I've faced the same problem. The server sometimes fails with a 500 error and sometimes it works fine. I'm attaching a screenshot of the problem.
msg390656 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-09 18:07
Apparently, it doesn't fail when you enter a name for which it can't find a b.p.o. account. So it knows how to say "beelzebub does not have bpo account" but fails when I put in "bkline" in the GitHub username field. It's tempting to suspect that the 500 error means "yes, I found a b.p.o account for that GitHub user but I just can't say so" but there's no guarantee that this would be a reliable assumption.
msg390657 - (view) Author: Shreyan Avigyan (shreyanavigyan) * Date: 2021-04-09 18:11
I believe that maybe the Heroku server, the CLA Checking tool is deployed to, is facing an internal server problem or the server is down.
msg390693 - (view) Author: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger) * (Python committer) Date: 2021-04-10 04:54
Mariatta, do you know who to refer this to?
msg390709 - (view) Author: Mariatta (Mariatta) * (Python committer) Date: 2021-04-10 12:48
Thanks for the report. I've identified the problem and fixed it. It should be working now. Further issues with it can be filed at

msg390711 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-10 13:27
Super, thanks!
msg390712 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-10 13:28
Sorry, it's still failing with the same error message.
msg390713 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-10 13:31
To reproduce, enter "bkline" in the GitHub username field and press Check.
msg390715 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-10 13:33
I can, if you prefer, close this ticket and create a new one on GitHub (even though this is the same issue, not a different "further" issue).
msg390716 - (view) Author: Shreyan Avigyan (shreyanavigyan) * Date: 2021-04-10 14:28
Thanks Mariatta. It works now. I'm able to check if I've signed the CLA now. Thanks a lot.
msg390717 - (view) Author: Bob Kline (bkline) * Date: 2021-04-10 14:34
And now it's working for me as well. Thanks, @Mariatta.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:59:44adminsetgithub: 87956
2021-04-10 14:34:19bklinesetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: third party -> fixed
messages: + msg390717
2021-04-10 14:28:24shreyanavigyansetmessages: + msg390716
2021-04-10 13:33:13bklinesetmessages: + msg390715
2021-04-10 13:31:20bklinesetmessages: + msg390713
2021-04-10 13:28:54bklinesetstatus: closed -> open

messages: + msg390712
2021-04-10 13:27:44bklinesetmessages: + msg390711
2021-04-10 12:48:21Mariattasetstatus: open -> closed
messages: + msg390709

assignee: Mariatta
components: - Demos and Tools
resolution: third party
stage: resolved
2021-04-10 04:54:26rhettingersetnosy: + Mariatta, rhettinger
messages: + msg390693
2021-04-09 18:11:34shreyanavigyansetmessages: + msg390657
2021-04-09 18:07:52bklinesetmessages: + msg390656
2021-04-09 16:55:48shreyanavigyansetfiles: + Server Error 500.png
nosy: + shreyanavigyan
messages: + msg390649

2021-04-09 12:47:49bklinecreate