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Title: Python modules not linking to libpython causes issues for RTLD_LOCAL system-wide
Type: behavior Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 3.8
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: Joshua Merchant, MrAnno, doko, ericvw, furiel, pablogsal, reimar, vstinner
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2019-04-29 16:16 by reimar, last changed 2022-04-11 14:59 by admin.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
pytest.tar.gz reimar, 2019-04-29 16:15
Messages (7)
msg341094 - (view) Author: (reimar) Date: 2019-04-29 16:15
Most affected platforms: RedHat and Debian, but with the changes from issue21536 probably all Linux distributions will be affected.

issue34814 and issue21536 and make statements along the lines of "In short, RTLD_LOCAL is not supported."
This might have been considered a reasonable stance because of the specific example opening libpython directly.
However Python modules not linking to libpython also breaks things when libpython is loaded in the most indirect ways via dlopen.
E.g. dlopen("", RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW)
libA might have linked against libB, libB against libC and libC might optionally link against libpython.

As a developer generally cannot really know if some library might ever pull in a most indirect reference to libpython, not supporting RTLD_LOCAL in Python essentially means RTLD_LOCAL can NEVER EVER be used safely.

A test-case that will fail the import command when modules have not been linked against libpython is attached (demonstrating only one layer of indirection, but much more complex cases are of course possible).
You will need to adjust the (include, lib) paths in for your Python version, it was written to demonstrate the issue against RedHat's modifications of Python 2.7 (to my knowledge, RedHat and Debian has been affected by this issue much longer than mainline Python).

While dlmopen is an alternative with similar behaviour to RTLD_LOCAL on recent Linux versions for this case, it is not portable.
msg341096 - (view) Author: Matthias Klose (doko) * (Python committer) Date: 2019-04-29 16:30
why is this an issue on Debian? Debian is already not linking with libpython.
msg341105 - (view) Author: (reimar) Date: 2019-04-29 17:50
The modules not linking against libpython CAUSES this issue, thus Debian being affected even for old Python versions before issue21536.
msg349232 - (view) Author: László Várady (MrAnno) Date: 2019-08-08 12:36
I'd like to mention a real-world example for this issue: syslog-ng with its
plugin system.

Plugins are loaded using dlopen() after the initial plugin discovery. RTLD_LOCAL
would be a reasonable choice, since symbols in plugins should not pollute the
global namespace (so plugins using different versions of OpenSSL, Python, etc.
would be possible).

Since we have Python-based plugins, we had to use RTLD_GLOBAL instead (with RTLD_LAZY to
reduce the possibility of conflicts) as a workaround.

Note: The latest Python 3 version seems to be working with RTLD_LOCAL as everything
under lib-dynload/ linked against libpython.
msg349255 - (view) Author: Pablo Galindo Salgado (pablogsal) * (Python committer) Date: 2019-08-08 21:11
In the What's New section of 3.8 ( it indicates that:

> On Unix, C extensions are no longer linked to libpython except on Android and Cygwin. When Python is embedded, libpython must not be loaded with RTLD_LOCAL, but RTLD_GLOBAL instead. Previously, using RTLD_LOCAL, it was already not possible to load C extensions which were not linked to libpython, like C extensions of the standard library built by the *shared* section of Modules/Setup. (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-21536.)

So if you are embedding python by dlopen'ing you should use RTLD_GLOBAL to make sure everyone is using the same symbols. You have more information on the rationale and decisions in bpo-21536.

Is your use-case not cover by the arguments in bpo-21536? What is the problem of embedding by dlopening libpython using RTLD_GLOBAL?
msg349736 - (view) Author: (reimar) Date: 2019-08-14 19:03
I'm not sure how I can explain it much better, I even wrote example code after all, but I'll try...

> So if you are embedding python by dlopen'ing

Neither me nor Laszlo are using/embedding or otherwise involving Python (directly/intentionally at least).
We just want to load some .so file.
That .so itself might then use libpython. Or use a library that uses libpython. Or uses a library that uses a library .... that uses libpython.
And how could we know whether SOME library down that dependency chain uses libpython or not?
The result is that now EVERY SINGLE LIBRARY IN THE WHOLE SYSTEM needs to be loaded with RTLD_GLOBAL.
Because a library 50 dependencies down that uses python might break otherwise and there's not really any way to know.

Just to try be very clear: We are not users of libpython, we do not write or use any python code ourselves (except through indirect dependencies) and we are still hit by this issue.
msg349739 - (view) Author: (reimar) Date: 2019-08-14 19:11
I guess one way this could be "solved" would be by libpython doing a dlopen on itself with RTLD_GLOBAL on Python initialization.
I wouldn't bet that that wouldn't end up with some very interesting unintended consequences as well though.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:59:14adminsetgithub: 80934
2020-04-06 21:57:11Joshua Merchantsetnosy: + Joshua Merchant
2019-08-15 06:48:05furielsetnosy: + furiel
2019-08-14 19:11:06reimarsetmessages: + msg349739
2019-08-14 19:03:38reimarsetmessages: + msg349736
2019-08-08 21:11:08pablogsalsetnosy: + pablogsal

messages: + msg349255
versions: + Python 3.8
2019-08-08 12:36:21MrAnnosetnosy: + MrAnno
messages: + msg349232
2019-06-19 17:12:23vstinnersetnosy: + vstinner
2019-04-29 17:50:37reimarsetmessages: + msg341105
2019-04-29 16:33:42ericvwsetnosy: + ericvw
2019-04-29 16:30:59dokosetnosy: + doko
messages: + msg341096
2019-04-29 16:16:00reimarcreate