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Created on 2015-08-21 16:51 by meilyadam, last changed 2022-04-11 14:58 by admin.
Files | ||||
File name | Uploaded | Description | Edit | |
win32-popen-lock.patch | meilyadam, 2015-08-21 16:51 | Patch to | review | | | meilyadam, 2015-08-21 16:57 |
Messages (9) | |||
msg248961 - (view) | Author: Adam Meily (meilyadam) * | Date: 2015-08-21 16:51 | |
** This issue and attached patch only affect Windows ** Currently, the Popen constructor will duplicate any stdout, stdin, and/or stderr handle passed in and make them inheritable, by calling DuplicateHandle. If two threads call Popen at the same time, the newly created inheritable handles will leak into the subprocess that's running being created in the opposite thread. This has consequences when two or more subprocesses are piped together and executed at the time time. Example ======= A pipe is created using the os.pipe() function. Then, two threads are started, T1 and T2. T1 calls Popen, setting stdout to the write-end of the pipe. T2 calls Popen, setting stdin to the read-end of the pipe. Stock CPython would make T1.stdout and T2.stdin inheritable. T1's Popen will create a subprocess, which correctly inherits T1.stdout, but it will also inherit the T2.stdin handle. Likewise, T2's Popen will create a subprocess, which correctly inherits T2.stdin, but it will also inherit the T1.stdout handle. Thus, in this situation where both ends of the pipe were accidentally inherited, the pipe will not properly close and T2's subprocess will have to be forcefully killed (assuming it is reading from stdin). The patch simply enforces that the lifetime of an inheritable handle is limited to a single call to Popen. Why this should be in CPython ============================= I believe this change should be in CPython. Tracking down this bug into the Python core took a substantial amount of time and work. Can I do this in my Python application and achieve the same effect? Absolutely, but I would argue that I shouldn't have to. The fix in CPython is very minimal: - It won't break existing code. Even if my project already has a lock around calls to Popen, my code will continue to work. Sure, it's a duplicate lock, but nothing will break or deadlock. - The performance impact is negligible. The lock is only instantiated for Windows platforms and acquiring/releasing a lock appears to have very low overhead. - Because the patch is very small, it can be easily backported to other Python versions. As far as I can tell, Python 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, and 2.7 will work with the attached patch. The one difference between the Python versions is that subprocess.mswindows was renamed to subprocess._mswindows at some point, which is very minor. - Python 3.4's new OS-specific inheritable functions [os.get_inheritable(), os.set_inheritable(), etc] will continue to work as expected. So, nothing is broken or changed there. Old code won't break, new code will benefit immediately, and existing code will work better. Similar Issues ============== - #19809: subprocess should warn uses on race conditions when multiple threads spawn child processes - #2320: Race condition in subprocess using stdin - #12739: read stuck with multithreading and simultaneous subprocess.Popen |
msg248962 - (view) | Author: Adam Meily (meilyadam) * | Date: 2015-08-21 16:57 | |
Attached is a test Python script that you can run to see the race condition in action. There are two Python scripts: and - make two subprocess.Popen() calls from two different threads. - (its content is in the bottom comments of, so move it to a separate file): reads lines from stdin and exits Basically, creates a pipe between "echo Hello World!" and "python". You'll see that will hang until ctrl+c is entered, even though the first subprocess in the pipe,, exits. Uncommenting the time.sleep() call will cause the first subprocess.Popen() time to properly close the inheritable handles before the second subprocess.Popen() call is made in the other thread, thus the inheritable handles are leaked. |
msg248963 - (view) | Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) * ![]() |
Date: 2015-08-21 17:01 | |
Is it possible to construct a test for this? |
msg248965 - (view) | Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * ![]() |
Date: 2015-08-21 17:10 | |
Yeah, when stdin, stdout or stderr is a pipe, subprocess.Popen() calls CreateProcess() with the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag and bInheritHandles=TRUE. This issue was fixed on UNIX for file descriptor inheritance. The fix is a major change: Python 3.4 now only creates non-inheritable file descriptors by default. See the PEP 446. For your issue, see the "Only Inherit Some Handles on Windows" section: But this section is not fixed by the PEP. I was decided to fix inheritance of file descriptors and inheritance of handles separatly. I guess that this issue is a duplicate of the issue #19575. I'm against the idea of adding a lock inside the subprocess module. I may introduce deadlock issues. You can already put such lock in your application, to call subprocess.Popen (directly or indirectly). > Currently, the Popen constructor will duplicate any stdout, stdin, and/or stderr handle passed in and make them inheritable, by calling DuplicateHandle. If two threads call Popen at the same time, the newly created inheritable handles will leak into the subprocess that's running being created in the opposite thread. This has consequences when two or more subprocesses are piped together and executed at the time time. This is a race condition really specific to the subprocess module. Usually, handles are created non-inhertable on Windows, so calling CreateProcess() with bInheritHandles=TRUE is not an issue in the common case. Here the problem is that subprocess makes duplicated handles inheritable. There is a short window where a second thread can spawn a process and inherit these handles too. The real fix is to never make duplicated handles inheritable, but instead to use the new PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST structure. Another option to fix the issue is to use a wrapper application and send handles from the parent to the child, but this option introduces a lot of complexity since the parent has to handle two processes, not only one! Again, see the issue #19575. |
msg248970 - (view) | Author: Adam Meily (meilyadam) * | Date: 2015-08-21 18:31 | |
@r.david.murray: Yes I could make a test. @haypo: I did not know about the PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST structure, thanks for the heads up. You pointed me in the right direction, and I see now that you've been following this, and similar, subprocessing issues on Windows for some time. I understand the hesitancy for adding a Lock to the standard library. Unless I am mistaken, I don't think my patch could cause a deadlock. I am releasing the lock in a `finally` block. So, the way I see it, the only way a deadlock can occur is if the thread crashes while in C code, which will cause the `finally` block to not execute. The lock will stay acquired, and then another thread will deadlock trying to acquire the lock. However, if that is the case and the thread crashed in C, the whole interpreter instance would have crashed, not just the Thread, which would make the deadlock impossible. It looks like the structure you reference to, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST (STARTUPINFOEX), is only available in Windows Vista and after. Which means that Windows XP/Server 2003 would still have this issue. |
msg248971 - (view) | Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * ![]() |
Date: 2015-08-21 18:38 | |
> It looks like the structure you reference to, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST (STARTUPINFOEX), is only available in Windows Vista and after. Which means that Windows XP/Server 2003 would still have this issue. Windows XP is no more supported in Python 3.5: For Windows Server 2003, yes, we will have to keep the current code which has the race condition. We did the same in the PEP 446 to clear the inherit flag. It's atomic or not depending on the function, on the operating system and even depending on the operating system version. So the PEP 446 doesn't fix all race conditions on old operating systems. |
msg248973 - (view) | Author: Zachary Ware (zach.ware) * ![]() |
Date: 2015-08-21 18:54 | |
STINNER Victor added the comment: > For Windows Server 2003, yes, we will have to keep the current code which has the race condition. Server 2003 is also unsupported in 3.5+ (MS extended support ended in July). |
msg248976 - (view) | Author: Adam Meily (meilyadam) * | Date: 2015-08-21 19:33 | |
Ok, I can re-implement the patch to meet what you all are looking for. I just want to double check that I'm on the same page: I'll get rid of the lock, because the fix should really be done in the call to CreateProcessW. I imagine that I'll be editing Modules/_winapi.c:824. Essentially, the fix will include switching _winapi.c to use a STARTUPINFOEX structure, and manually passing in the three handles for stdin, stdout, and stderr to PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST. The one potential problem that I see is that it looks like specifying PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST means that no other handles are inherited, even if they are inheritable. Doesn't this break applications that are explicitly creating inheritable handles and expecting them to be accessible within the subprocess? I could add Windows support for pass_fds, but then existing applications would have to be updated to use the argument on Windows. |
msg250407 - (view) | Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * ![]() |
Date: 2015-09-10 19:12 | |
> The one potential problem that I see is that it looks like specifying PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST means that no other handles are inherited, even if they are inheritable. We can maybe add a parameter to configure the behaviour: keep current behaviour by default in Python 3.6 and change the default in Python 3.7 for example. > I could add Windows support for pass_fds, (...) Yes, we need a new "pass_handles" parameter to pass a list of handles which will be explicitly inherited. This parameter is useful even if you inherit all inheritable handles, because handles can be non-inhertable too. It's the same with pass_fds: if you pass a file descriptor in pass_fds, it will be marked as inheritable to be passed to the child. I guess that "pass_handles" will be implemented with PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, or by making handles temporary inheritable if PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST is not available. |
History | |||
Date | User | Action | Args |
2022-04-11 14:58:20 | admin | set | github: 69097 |
2016-03-04 22:32:34 | oconnor663 | set | nosy:
+ oconnor663 |
2015-11-06 13:59:48 | eryksun | link | issue25565 superseder |
2015-09-10 19:12:42 | vstinner | set | messages: + msg250407 |
2015-08-21 19:33:08 | meilyadam | set | messages: + msg248976 |
2015-08-21 18:54:06 | zach.ware | set | messages: + msg248973 |
2015-08-21 18:38:17 | vstinner | set | messages: + msg248971 |
2015-08-21 18:31:51 | meilyadam | set | messages: + msg248970 |
2015-08-21 17:10:09 | vstinner | set | messages: + msg248965 |
2015-08-21 17:04:46 | vstinner | set | messages: - msg248964 |
2015-08-21 17:03:40 | vstinner | set | nosy:
+ vstinner messages: + msg248964 |
2015-08-21 17:01:13 | r.david.murray | set | versions:
- Python 3.2, Python 3.3 nosy: + r.david.murray, gregory.p.smith, paul.moore, tim.golden, zach.ware, steve.dower messages: + msg248963 components: + Windows stage: patch review |
2015-08-21 16:57:28 | meilyadam | set | files:
+ messages: + msg248962 |
2015-08-21 16:51:54 | meilyadam | create |