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Title: new formatter for argparse
Type: enhancement Stage:
Components: Versions: Python 3.5
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: bethard, eric.araujo, paul.j3, wt
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2012-02-01 21:54 by wt, last changed 2022-04-11 14:57 by admin.

Messages (3)
msg152444 - (view) Author: Wren Turkal (wt) Date: 2012-02-01 21:54
It would be really nice to have a formatter for argparse that would respect explicit new lines while still wrapping lines otherwise.

This would allow the description and epilog to have be a little more structured while still getting the advantage of line wrapping.
msg152601 - (view) Author: Éric Araujo (eric.araujo) * (Python committer) Date: 2012-02-04 08:19
(This reminds me of another request; would you mind searching the other argparse bugs to see if this is a duplicate?  Thanks)
msg152613 - (view) Author: Wren Turkal (wt) Date: 2012-02-04 12:20
[1] sounds somewhere related and more complicated than what I was asking for. I would think that it would need to wrap bulleted lists in a sane way in addition to what I asked for here.

Also, [1] seems to apply to the option help text, where this request applies to the prolog and epilog. Although, it really makes sense to me for the formatter to format all the text bits similarly.

Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:57:26adminsetgithub: 58131
2014-07-16 14:30:19BreamoreBoysetnosy: + paul.j3

versions: + Python 3.5, - Python 3.3
2012-02-04 12:20:41wtsetmessages: + msg152613
2012-02-04 08:19:15eric.araujosetnosy: + eric.araujo, bethard

messages: + msg152601
versions: + Python 3.3
2012-02-01 21:54:31wtcreate