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Title: Implement configurable bitfield allocation strategy
Type: enhancement Stage: patch review
Components: ctypes Versions: Python 3.3
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: Charles Machalow, amaury.forgeotdarc, meador.inge, santoso.wijaya, terry.reedy, vladris
Priority: normal Keywords: patch

Created on 2011-07-10 19:52 by vladris, last changed 2022-04-11 14:57 by admin.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
configurable_bitfield_allocation.diff vladris, 2011-07-10 22:38 Patch to support configurable bitfield allocation strategies review
configurable_bitfield_allocation_v2.diff vladris, 2011-07-23 15:24 Updated patch review
ctypes-packed-bitfields.tar.bz2 meador.inge, 2011-09-02 02:23
Messages (9)
msg140088 - (view) Author: Vlad Riscutia (vladris) Date: 2011-07-10 19:52
Opened this issue to track configurable bitfield allocation strategy. This will address issues like,

Summary: the way bitfields are allocated is up to the compiler not defined by standard. MSVC and GCC have different strategies to perform the allocation so the size of bitfield structures can be different depending on compiler. Currently we hardcode allocation strategy to be GCC-way on non-Windows and MSVC-way on Windows which raises issues when trying to interop on Windows with GCC binaries.

Short term this solution will enable interop between MSVC compiled Python with GCC compiled binaries under Windows. It will also enable addressing other possible compiler interop issues in the future, for compilers that don't use GCC strategy.

Following is copied from thread discussing this:

On 6/25/2011 12:33 PM, Vlad Riscutia wrote:
I recently started looking at some ctypes issues. I dug a bit into and then I found They both boil down to the fact that
bitfield allocation is up to the compiler, which is different in GCC and
MSVC. Currently we have hard-coded allocation strategy based on paltform
in cfields.c:

 if (bitsize /* this is a bitfield request */

       &&  *pfield_size /* we have a bitfield open */
 #ifdef MS_WIN32
       /* MSVC, GCC with -mms-bitfields */
       &&  dict->size * 8 == *pfield_size
       /* GCC */
       &&  dict->size * 8<= *pfield_size
       &&  (*pbitofs + bitsize)<= *pfield_size) {
       /* continue bit field */
       fieldtype = CONT_BITFIELD;
 #ifndef MS_WIN32
   } else if (bitsize /* this is a bitfield request */
       &&  *pfield_size /* we have a bitfield open */
       &&  dict->size * 8>= *pfield_size
       &&  (*pbitofs + bitsize)<= dict->size * 8) {
       /* expand bit field */
       fieldtype = EXPAND_BITFIELD;

So when creating a bitfield structure, it's size can be different on
Linux vs Windows.

class MyStructure(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    _pack_      = 1    # aligned to 8 bits, not ctypes default of 32
    _fields_    = [
                   ("Data0",   ctypes.c_uint32, 32),
                   ("Data1",   ctypes.c_uint8, 3),
                   ("Data2",   ctypes.c_uint16, 12),

sizeof for above structure is 6 on GCC build and 7 on MSVC build. This
leads to some confusion and issues, because we can't always interop
correctly with code compiled with different compiler than the one Python
is compiled with on the platform.

Just curious, are you saying that this is the 'cause' of the two bug reports, or 'just' something you discovered while investigating them?

> Short term solution is to add a warning in the documentation about this.

For 2.7/3.2, yes.

> Longer term though, I think it
would be better to add a property on the Structure class for
configurable allocation strategy, for example Native (default), GCC,
MSVC and when allocating the bitfield, use given strategy. Native would
behave similar to what happens now, but we would also allow GCC-style
allocation on Windows for example and the ability to extend this if we
ever run into similar issues with other compilers. This shouldn't be too
difficult to implement, will be backwards compatible and it would
improve interop. I would like to hear some opinions on this.

If this would allow the MSVC-compilied Python to better access dlls compiled with gcc (cygwin) on Windows, definitely -- in 3.3.
If the new feature is (currently) only useful on Windows, doc should say so.

Terry Jan Reedy


Attached is patch with initial refactoring of cfield.c to enable configurable allocation. Next step is to provide a way to configure this through Python library. I will also look at updating documentation to point out the known issue.
msg140092 - (view) Author: Vlad Riscutia (vladris) Date: 2011-07-10 22:38
Removed previously attached partial patch, this is complete patch.

Added following 3 constants in ctypes:

Setting _bitfield_allocation_ attribute to one of these on a class declaration inheriting from Structure will force specified allocation of the bitfield.

NATIVE is equivalent to not specifying anything. 
GCC will do GCC-style allocation (what Python does now on non-Windows)
MSVC will do MSVC-style allocation (what Python does now on Windows)

I added unittests to cover these and ran full suit on both Windows and Linux.

Still have to update documentation to mention this. Will submit diff for that after this gets reviewed.
msg140842 - (view) Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc (amaury.forgeotdarc) * (Python committer) Date: 2011-07-22 00:05
My review of the patch:
msg140989 - (view) Author: Vlad Riscutia (vladris) Date: 2011-07-23 15:24
Updated patch to reflect review feedback. Allocation strategy is now specified as string in Python code.

I kept asserts in CanContinueField/CanExpandField because, as I said, default case should never be hit. Input is validated in stgdict and this should make it clear to whoever reads the code that something is very wrong if execution gets to default case.
msg143339 - (view) Author: Meador Inge (meador.inge) * (Python committer) Date: 2011-09-01 18:15
As stated, how a particular compiler allocates bitfields is *extremely* implementation specific.  There can be differences in implementations between different compilers, different *versions* of the same compiler, and different invocations of the same compiler where the options are varied.

I am wondering whether adding this feature will open up a can of worms that we don't want to deal with.  There are other options beyond MSVC and GCC that seem reasonable.  For example, GCC packs bitfields together on structures defined with '__attribute__((packed))'.  Do we need a GCCPACKED option now?

Also, GCC 4.4 fixed a bug that can lead to differences in structure layout from previous versions.  See -Wpacked-bitfield-compat option [1].
Do we need a GCC44 option now?

Finally, structure layout is architecture specific.  GCC for x86, for example, has the 'ms_struct' attribute extensions for x86 [2].  Does this mean that for a GCC compiled Python that the MSVC option will only work for an x86 host?

My point is that there are many, many variations on how a *single* compiler can allocate bitfields.  So just saying "GCC allocation"
strategy is not adequate.

So, lets take a step back.  What exact problem is this feature trying
to solve?  Is one of the use cases that 'ctypes' for a Windows hosted Python built with MSVC++ can interop with C code compiled with a Windows  hosted GCC (e.g. cygwin)?  If so, then is that realistic?  ISTM, that there are other ABI differences that would prevent that from working.

It seem perfectly reasonable to me that ctypes will only interact with bits that were constructed with the exact same compiler (and options) as the interpreter itself.  If it is not already, then we should document this.

msg143342 - (view) Author: Vlad Riscutia (vladris) Date: 2011-09-01 18:30
Well currently we pack bitfields with an algorithm that uses #ifdefs for GCC and MSVC builds. This feature tries to remove the hardcoded behavior and implement it as a runtime option. This should improve interop with other compilers. Currently I provided these for MSVC-style and GCC-style bitfield allocations. These, of course, can be extended with other strategies.

I am not sure that the fact that GCC has different types of bitfield allocations in different versions is a point against this feature. Consider that in our current code we don't use compiler bitfield allocation, we create the structure layout using our own algorithm, interop might be broken even if Python gets built with same version of GCC as the binary we want to interop with as long as algorithm is out of date. This patch should provide some flexibility in this matter.

Wouldn't a GCC44 constant provided at API level be better than saying "you can't interop with anything build with GCC 4.4 and up"? Or vice-versa, anything built with GCC < 4.4.
msg143351 - (view) Author: Terry J. Reedy (terry.reedy) * (Python committer) Date: 2011-09-01 20:13
As a (Windows) user, I would like to be able to download any working pre-compiled shared library (.dll) and access it via ctypes. The particular compiler used to compile cpythonx.y.z should not determine whether a Pythonx.y program works. The use of VSC2008 is not part of the Python3.2 definition. So I am in favor of features than makes ctypes more likely to work.

I understand that this should be easy if the datatypes sent and received are standard ints, floats, and arrays thereof, since the bit patterns are then knowable. I gather that the problem with custom bitfields is that the resulting bit pattern format is not only not documented in the .dll, but is also not determined by the external documentation (the .h files).

Does anyone know how Cython, for instance, handles this problem? Stephen Behnel recommends it as an alternative to ctypes. Does it even try to deal with bitfields?
msg143368 - (view) Author: Meador Inge (meador.inge) * (Python committer) Date: 2011-09-02 02:23
Hi Vlad,

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Vlad Riscutia <> wrote:

> Vlad Riscutia <> added the comment:
> Well currently we pack bitfields with an algorithm that uses #ifdefs for GCC and MSVC builds. This feature tries to remove the
> hardcoded behavior and implement it as a runtime option. This should improve interop with other compilers. Currently I provided these
> for MSVC-style and GCC-style bitfield allocations. These, of course, can be extended with other strategies.

Yup, I understand what the feature is doing.  I just wanted to
reiterate (as I am sure you already know) that typically the rules for
implementing bit fields in a particular compiler are pretty complex.
I just wanted to make sure that the use cases are out there to justify
the complexity.  issue11920 really does seem like a use case where
someone would otherwise be stuck without a runtime configurable
allocation strategy.

BTW, out of curiosity I explored the packed case that I mentioned
earlier with GCC more (reproduction case attached):

[meadori@motherbrain ctypes]$ make clean; make
rm -f foo.o
gcc -Wall -fPIC  -c foo.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o foo.o
In Python: (85, 85)
From C: (85, 85)
From Python: (85, 85)
[meadori@motherbrain ctypes]$ make clean; CFLAGS=-DPACK=1 make
rm -f foo.o
gcc -Wall -fPIC -DPACK=1 -c foo.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o foo.o
In Python: (85, 85)
From C: (85, 85)
From Python: (85, 170)

This shows that there are already cases that can't be handled with
packed bit fields and GCC.  This runtime configuration feature, could
fix this case as well.  However, it is probably better to wait for a
real world use case before implementing some pathological case that I
cooked up ;-)

> Wouldn't a GCC44 constant provided at API level be better than saying "you can't interop with anything build with GCC 4.4 and up"? Or > vice-versa, anything built with GCC < 4.4.

Yeah, probably so.  I think the compiler constraint I stated before is
probably a bit too strong.  I need to think about it more.  But,
again, my point is that there are a lot of different variations when
it comes to bit field allocations.  I don't think we want to end up
implementing all of them.
msg298881 - (view) Author: Charles Machalow (Charles Machalow) Date: 2017-07-23 00:20
Was browsing and found this.

This option would be very useful as it could help avoid a current bug I've had to deal with : My use case works with data/structs from another device all-together, so I can't control it's packing. However since GCC/Linux builds currently have the specified bug, I can't get around it. This option would have allowed me to just specify the MSVC strategy, which in general is what I want to not have to have OS-specific behavior. With the bug in mind, this could have almost be a bug-workaround for me.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:57:19adminsetgithub: 56737
2017-07-23 00:20:21Charles Machalowsetnosy: + Charles Machalow
messages: + msg298881
2011-09-02 02:42:13meador.ingelinkissue11920 superseder
2011-09-02 02:23:35meador.ingesetfiles: + ctypes-packed-bitfields.tar.bz2

messages: + msg143368
2011-09-01 20:13:10terry.reedysetmessages: + msg143351
2011-09-01 18:30:34vladrissetmessages: + msg143342
2011-09-01 18:15:24meador.ingesetnosy: + meador.inge
messages: + msg143339
2011-07-23 15:24:38vladrissetfiles: + configurable_bitfield_allocation_v2.diff

messages: + msg140989
2011-07-22 00:05:15amaury.forgeotdarcsetnosy: + amaury.forgeotdarc

messages: + msg140842
stage: patch review
2011-07-10 22:39:18vladrissetfiles: - cfield_bitfield_refactoring.diff
2011-07-10 22:39:00vladrissetfiles: + configurable_bitfield_allocation.diff

messages: + msg140092
2011-07-10 20:16:29santoso.wijayasetnosy: + santoso.wijaya
2011-07-10 19:52:36vladriscreate