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URL PR 5164
Status merged
Title bpo-27643 - fix test_ctypes test_bitfields with XLC compiler.
Date User Action Args
2018-12-26 03:54:23Michael.Feltsetstatus: open -> merged
2018-09-16 20:39:54Michael.Feltsettitle: bpo-27643 - fix test_ctypes test_bitfields with XLC compiler. "signed short" bitfields are not supported by XLC -> bpo-27643 - fix test_ctypes test_bitfields with XLC compiler.
2018-08-11 12:48:27Michael.Feltsettitle: bpo-27643 - Test_C test case needs "signed short" bitfields, but the IBM XLC compiler (on AIX) does not support this -> bpo-27643 - fix test_ctypes test_bitfields with XLC compiler. "signed short" bitfields are not supported by XLC
2018-01-12 09:34:30Michael.Feltlinkissue27643 pull_requests
2018-01-12 09:34:30Michael.Feltcreate