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Author ldeller
Recipients ldeller
Date 2010-02-09.03:06:05
SpamBayes Score 2.2957248e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The documentation for the hash() function says:
"Numeric values that compare equal have the same hash value (even if they are of different types, as is the case for 1 and 1.0)"

This can be violated when comparing a unicode object with its str equivalent.  Here is an example:

C:\>c:\Python27\python -S
Python 2.7a3 (r27a3:78021, Feb  7 2010, 00:00:09) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>>> import sys; sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
>>> unicodeobj = u'No\xebl'
>>> strobj = str(unicodeobj)
>>> unicodeobj == strobj
>>> hash(unicodeobj) == hash(strobj)

The last response should be True not False.

I tested this on Python 2.7a3/windows, 2.6.4/linux, 2.5.2/linux.  The problem is not relevant to Python 3.0+.

Looking at unicodeobject.c:unicode_hash() and stringobject.c:string_hash(), I think that this problem would arise for "equal" objects strobj and unicodeobj when the unicode code points are not aligned with the encoded bytes, ie when:
    map(ord, unicodeobj) != map(ord, strobj)
This means that the problem never arises when sys.getdefaultencoding() is 'ascii' or 'iso8859-1'/'latin1'.
Date User Action Args
2010-02-09 03:06:23ldellersetrecipients: + ldeller
2010-02-09 03:06:22ldellersetmessageid: <>
2010-02-09 03:06:07ldellerlinkissue7890 messages
2010-02-09 03:06:05ldellercreate