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Author fero14041
Recipients fero14041, georg.brandl
Date 2010-01-25.13:29:00
SpamBayes Score 1.5090384e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In Python 2.6 ``itertools`` library documentation is a small typo in last paragraph (``projects/python/branches/release26-maint/Doc/library/itertools.rst``, rev. [77750]), see it at .

In the note about how optimizing recipes, ``dotproduct`` example function is not outlined as a code sample. Lines 762-763 should end with double colons (instead of simple), to mark following code as such, in reST format::

   (...) For example, the
   *dotproduct* recipe can be written as::

Note that previous ``*dotproduct*`` ref. could be marked as ``inline literal`` instead of *emphasis*, and then lines become::

   (...) For example, the
   ``dotproduct`` recipe can be written as::
Date User Action Args
2010-01-25 13:29:02fero14041setrecipients: + fero14041, georg.brandl
2010-01-25 13:29:02fero14041setmessageid: <>
2010-01-25 13:29:01fero14041linkissue7778 messages
2010-01-25 13:29:00fero14041create