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Author pakal
Recipients amaury.forgeotdarc, pakal, pitrou
Date 2010-01-06.14:23:14
SpamBayes Score 0.0001452109
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Well, here is a patch for the seek() methods of io module, in python2.6 maintenance branch.
Finally, I've only backported some assertions and the offset stuffs - I'm not comfortable enough about recent io refactorings to do more (it changed pretty quickly while I looked away, actually :p).
Tests have been patched too (bufferedrandom wasn't tested as other buffer classes), and to have the whole suite pass, I had to modify testWriteNonBlocking() as well (mock objects returned wrong values - this test is marked as unreliable in sources anyway).
If more is needed to patch the py2.6 branch, just tell me B-)
Date User Action Args
2010-01-06 14:23:18pakalsetrecipients: + pakal, amaury.forgeotdarc, pitrou
2010-01-06 14:23:18pakalsetmessageid: <>
2010-01-06 14:23:16pakallinkissue7640 messages
2010-01-06 14:23:16pakalcreate