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Author oefe
Recipients oefe, r.david.murray, ronaldoussoren
Date 2009-12-30.16:49:32
SpamBayes Score 0.0001222916
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Apple doesn't ship py3k yet. I observed the issue originally with my own build of 3.0 RC1 (No particular build settings 
were used, just ./configure ; make ; make test). It also happens with the build of Python 3.0.1 that is installed on my 
machine (this should be the official MacOS X build from, on MacOS X 10.6.2.

It doesn't happen with Python 3.1 anymore (and neither with 2.6.1 and 2.7 Alpha 1).
Date User Action Args
2009-12-30 16:49:34oefesetrecipients: + oefe, ronaldoussoren, r.david.murray
2009-12-30 16:49:34oefesetmessageid: <>
2009-12-30 16:49:32oefelinkissue4046 messages
2009-12-30 16:49:32oefecreate