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Author scott.dial
Recipients barry, benjamin.peterson, janssen, kevinwatters, ncoghlan, rhettinger, rmore, rtucker, scott.dial
Date 2009-12-06.04:19:44
SpamBayes Score 0.0009938612
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Ben, I understand that we are all volunteers here. My frustration in the
lack of a de facto owner of the imaplib module and not with you
personally or any other committer for that matter.

As it is, there is no unittests for the imaplib module, and I am not in
a position to provide a complete implementation of an IMAP server.
However, I have attached a simple script demonstrating the issue. An
unpatched trunk will infinite loop, consuming memory, and a patched
version will throw a Traceback immediately.
Date User Action Args
2009-12-06 04:19:47scott.dialsetrecipients: + scott.dial, barry, rhettinger, ncoghlan, janssen, kevinwatters, benjamin.peterson, rmore, rtucker
2009-12-06 04:19:46scott.dialsetmessageid: <>
2009-12-06 04:19:45scott.diallinkissue5949 messages
2009-12-06 04:19:45scott.dialcreate