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Author sandberg
Recipients ocean-city, sandberg, terry.reedy
Date 2009-12-03.13:31:29
SpamBayes Score 0.0005509579
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
> Once I considered this approach, but problems was that
> nFileIndexLow/High can change every time file handle is opened, so it's
> not unique. See remarks in following page.

Actually, that page only says that file identities may vary over time,
and that it may happen during operations such as defragmentation.
However, I have been in contact with a customer who observed a file
system where the file index actually changed every time a file was
closed and re-opened, given that nobody else kept the file open
inbetween. This was on some kind of network mount, I wasn't told which
kind (and I couldn't reproduce it with samba).

This means that it's actually essential that you don't close the file
between the CreateFile calls (and yes, your patch does this correctly).
Date User Action Args
2009-12-03 13:31:31sandbergsetrecipients: + sandberg, terry.reedy, ocean-city
2009-12-03 13:31:31sandbergsetmessageid: <>
2009-12-03 13:31:30sandberglinkissue5985 messages
2009-12-03 13:31:29sandbergcreate